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Meant as a tribute to women, love and poetry, this site contains over 700 acrostics in english and in French. The more interesting poems being Acrostic Crosswords, a hybrid between acrostics and crosswords.

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Acrostic Poem For Chance

Can fInedraWn priOr knoWn eveNts pRedict, really, future? 
How iS it sEnse? For onE, if One pAth is really so sure, 
A knoWn filM - hoW wortHy is TiltiNg the odds? No heaven 
Now; Hell fAils tHen; fAting Has aDded problems: who is then, 
ComicAlly, Kind, Avid, VolcanIc, wOrthy? We'd all 
EmulaTe fatE. No To lamE actiNg - Make things count, dont crawl 
chance is what we make of what we have; nothing random