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Meant as a tribute to women, love and poetry, this site contains over 700 acrostics in english and in French. The more interesting poems being Acrostic Crosswords, a hybrid between acrostics and crosswords.

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Acrostic Poem For Imane

In a Soft, BlissFul wAy, AmAzing, you are very dear. 
Make Me cheEr. mUse oF a KiNd, you inspire, are like a guide 
AdmirAble, AmusiNg, dIvinInG souls deep inside. 
No woRry coUld sNap oR caNcEl our bond; You're always here. 
EducaTed, aT manY levEls DeLightful, you rule 
Diagonally: Imane 
Imane - smart, beaut, funny, afire - a kind angel