Acrostic Poem For Your smell
Your smelL smiteS like a delighTful perfuMe and your
Odor drivEs sorcErouslY mad... Endless, mY pure
Untamed fAith beNds slOwly my wAys. DeepeR, a cure
Roasts loVably, SkillfUl, joyouS... DivinE, passion
Solders dElight EndlesSly. BoilIng, I gleAm. Sure
My world SweetenS... cHoice HymN of marveL, sensation
Eden, treAsured MagnetIsm, you Grow your Insane
Loony jolLy spirAl of Fun with Love. SwifTly,
Lightly, LauncheD to sTellar joY... I buoY up freely.
Your smell leaves all senses mad. you shift teasingly my reality.