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Meant as a tribute to women, love and poetry, this site contains over 700 acrostics in english and in French. The more interesting poems being Acrostic Crosswords, a hybrid between acrostics and crosswords.

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Acrostic Poem For Dorothy

DeeplY insIde, DelicAte aRomas cause sweet 
OverpOweriNg keEn sensatiOns that, though discrete, 
Rise Up mySticaLly. DumfoUnd, my conscience fades 
Out. Mind TwirlIng, A sooThing storm, you charm, pervades. 
ThermAl toAstinG rewIres In an instant my mind: it is 
HijacKed. Now cHanneLing Nut bliss, it is at ease. 
You bEam aTtracTivelY as Extreme delight strikes 
Dorothy - You make instant delight a daily routine